Well, it looks like we made it another year!
Little do we speak but you are always close by in my thoughts. It it usually this time of year that I become nostalgic and otherwise thoughtful of the years gone by and the days spent in vain drinking tea and smoking lustfully. It is rarely of myself that I think of when I gaze back, rosey-eyed at the things we've done and achieved together, it is always you and the joy you have brought me.
As it's Christmas I thought I would take the chance to let you know I'm still alive and still living. The world is looking like a bigger place by the day but the window is getting smaller and the weather is getting to be a bit shit. I've long since accepted the need for employment beyond my own control although my cause is not completely lost. WTN taught me a lot and working on the film taught me a lot more. Over the next few years I'm going to be putting a lot of my plans into action with the help of anyone who's willing to help me. So far, we've had one meeting and we'll have had another by the time you've read this. It's daunting, it's improbable, it's fun. Stay tuned! Other than that, my love life is booming, I took a strange little trip to Amsterdam and I now deal only in Chicken... So, every cloud and all that...
Unfortunately, this year, I yet again failed to afford you any presents or even a card in the post. Instead, I took the time to write you this. Because I'm cheap like that... I hope you enjoyed it and I hope you have one hell of a Christmas. Here's to the future!
Merry Christmas! (cluck)