Sunday, 12 October 2014

Anti-Social Media

How fitting that my first venture into "Blogging" should be in order to complain about the state of the world as I see it. More precisely, the digital world. The internet.

I often jokingly blame my day to day indiscretions on my Irish heritage, but there is no doubt being born and raised in Britain has had a significant effect on my behaviour. Most importantly my ability to queue & complain, as well as drinking gallons of tea and finding even the darkest of situations funny. Here in Britain and in particular England, we are fantastic at complaining until we're blue in the face while doing precisely fuck all constructive about any bad situation. I've honed that skill to a tee...

Take for instance the riots not so long ago in London and beyond (even here in Milton Keynes). Through the haze of national media crossfire and social media hype my grasp of the story is thus; A particularly nasty police officer shot and killed a man in cold blood & was subsequently unsuitably punished. This turn of events caused one or more areas to fall into anarchy and begin to riot, inspiring much of the country to do the same. Understandable, to a degree...

I for one have seen many sides to the British police force. On occasion in the past they have been a much welcomed help, as well as an unbearable nuisance. I find it best to consider them as a gang, much like you would find in a ghetto or estate. They sit in the pocket of the organisations in charge of our everyday administration & survival with an aim to keep the peace. All in the name of the greater good. It was no great shock to me when they amended their mission statement to read "To reduce the fear of crime" instead of our well kept and much loved "To Protect & Serve". Granted, I have noticed a decrease in the fear of crime, or rather, an acceptance of crime. However, I've also noted a massive increase in fear of the police and said organisations that administrate their actions, as well as our own.

It pays to remember that these people are put into power by us and that that privilege may not be around forever. As we've seen over the past century in particular, party politics does not work and will not work in the future, regardless of how it's tweaked and prodded about. I've been saying for a while that the true leader of our country will be the man or woman who is nominated by us the people and takes the initiative to approach our queen and ask permission to abolish party politics forever and form a fairer form of government, to set the way for global politics and into a new age of human evolution.

Bold as that statement sounds, I speak some semblance of truth. Due to the insatiable fashion of our bureaucratic baby-sitters, our very development as a species has been compromised through conventionalism and conformity. Today more than ever it is nearby impossible to be genuinely different and to have our inspirations see the light of day. Since the age of Thatcher, there have been so many rules & prohibitions put in place that the entire nation juggles between walking on eggshells and being scolded like children. Respect is a misnomer in this day and age, with importance and success at the forefront of social standing. Soul & culture have become a hobbyists dream. We are no longer developing into a species that we're happy to be a part of. In many ways, we're getting further from it.

Little surprise is it that our entire race has instead chosen to confine themselves inside, away from the madness, hypnotised by a false reality. The world-wide-web. First commercialised during my childhood, the internet promised fun and frivolity until it eventually became it's own sub-society around my teenage years with sites like Bebo, MySpace & more recently FaceBook. At first, such things were harmless and still being used to achieve positive things such as laughter and other such arousal. Nowadays the same playgrounds are occupied by children who wish to inflict their negativity, depression & loneliness on each other. All of which are caused by a lack of mental productivity (A.K.A leaving the house and doing something proactive).

Never take for granted the world you're presented with. Regardless of how badly the management are chuntering along, this planet is yours & mine as much as it is theirs. Hiding away and complaining about these issues on a social media site may well help to scratch the surface but the real potential you have before you to inflict actual change is incredible. If as many people on FaceBook cared as passionately about things as they appeared and were willing to go out into the world to physically effect the change they desired, all the worlds problems would be solved by next week. That's not to say that these people don't care. They just don't care enough.

The internet & indeed social media are valuable inventions to a degree but for now they are not the reality we live within. There is only so much impact man-made data can have on the physical world and unless we heed that revelation promptly we may well drive ourselves stupid and eventually, useless...

The funny thing about a home is; it's bigger on the outside. Go have a look!


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