Of the many things I've ingested over the years, a few could quite easily (and justifiably) be considered "drugs". The idea of a drug intrigues me as much as our obsession with them. Here, we have an entirely natural, habitable and hospitable reality in which to dwell. Yet, for our fair race the only interest seems to be escape. Through a variety of methods we all make our way into alternatives of all degrees. Whether it be the cheeky cigarette break or the full blown food frenzy, we all have addictions and our own personalised cocktail of drugs to treat them. For some it's sex, for others it's heroin, for me...
Okay, reasonably speaking I suffer from many an addiction but I'm taking a desert island approach to this subject. I believe it to be a fantastic idea to try and focus on one addiction and hope the others will simply get bored and go away. It hasn't worked so far but I'll be sure to keep you updated! If ever I find the patience to give up smoking I would be a very happy man indeed. For starters I would have more free cash, I would be healthier and more than likely, I'd be a little more sane. Tea on the other hand is one that will stay with me until the acid boils my belly and I die a very tea soaked death. Other than that, my exploits are mostly harmless...
Over the years my experience of drugs has led me to believe that the healthier option is always the best way to approach any and all inner demons.
LSD is an interesting experience that boggles the mind. The user is stripped of all conscious critical control and is subjected to an entirely emotional perspective of the world around them. Easily comparable to an extensive and strenuous attack on a large pile of Cannabis but with a hint of something more about it.
Cannabis itself is (to a casual user) a heavy, mellowing experience; although some possess an inexplicable tolerance toward it. To the habitual, Cannabis is commonly experienced as a dull relief from a world that feels like a lot more effort than it should be.
MDMA is a drug cooked up by the devil himself. The experience can be enjoyable in small doses but overdoing it can lead to days of insomnia, unreasonable levels of forgetfulness and the mother of all jaw-aches.
Tobacco is one of the most dangerous and damaging drugs our race has ever encountered... apparently. It's true to say that the experience is mostly redundant compared to most other mainstream applications. It is in no way healthy and in no way complimentary to ones way of life and I believe the authorities may well be right in their quest to wean us off of it. Still, with the vast array of chemicals and compounds available on the black market, smokers should never be attacked so openly while users of more harmful drugs still remain unattended to (in the correct fashion).
Alcohol is the western world's poster-boy amongst all of the other drugs that are available to us, right now, out there. There is nothing more embarrassing nor harder to live down than drinking too much Whiskey and falling into a vomit-strewn bush, requesting your last, loving, dying words be sent ahead to your father. I'm yet (if ever) to experience a similar ordeal with any other drug. Due to it's usefulness as far as taxation is concerned, it remains unaffected by the "war on drugs" regardless of the number of people who have suffered from it's many negative attributes.
Speed (or "Amphetamines") is a reasonable resort if your intention is to stay awake all night and tap your foot inescapably. Then again, considering the cost and the long-term affects, you'd be better off stocking up some really classy coffee.
Biscuits bring about a sense of joy and satisfaction to every cup of tea. As far as I'm aware, biscuits have never been involved in any conflict. Other than, of course, the battle between not-dunked-enough & dunked-too-much. They don't cost an awful lot and if you're clever, most come with special offers attached. Biscuits may bring about an increase in general mass but this sacrifice seems acceptable considering the sheer amount of people dying over a few plants and a handful of clever scientists.
It's true, it is, that everybody has a drug. A manifestation of an inability to cope and perform as a stable-minded individual. Little things help some while extremes contain others. As John Lennon said; If we are to do anything at all about drugs and addiction, we need to discover what drives us to them and eliminate that need at it's source. Instead of treating the people behind the afflictions we perpetrate them and their suppliers with the full force of the law, hell begot (I'm paraphrasing, of course). Our understanding of drugs now as a species is incredible in proportion to John's time but our attitude toward the issue still stinks to high-heaven. With mental illness and drug use on the rise, perhaps in future, instead of attacking the issue with all the gusto of a pack of armed snails, we should educate and liberate each other from all the things out there that we know are not good for us.
For now... I think I'll have a custard cream.
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