Friday, 22 April 2016

The Ramblings of a Mad Man - Part Two of One

I'm sat here, halfway through two chocolate crepes. It's Friday night & even the taxi driver pointed out that I'm doing it wrong. I suppose at this rate it'll be etched on my gravestone; "Never stayed out late on Fridays". I know plenty of folk who wouldn't dream of departing their couches & futons for even a sniff of a party, let alone a full shebang! Here I am, being judged by the world for having a quiet night; cup of tea & mental breakdown in hand.

Do you ever feel like you've met your soul-mate, but fortunately your soul-mate is a twenty-four inch Korean TV with a built-in DVD player? Never mind all that chemical compatibility nonsense... I just want to know there's less wires getting in the way. Have you ever fallen in love with pyjamas? It's surprising how captivating cloth can be... especially when it's not questioning your long-term intentions or leaving sopping wet towels on your side of the bed.

YouTube is regularly feeding me conspiracy theories on the basis of a few careless forays into pseudo-science. Turns out the north pole of the planet Saturn is the devil, through which extra-dimensional beings are ejaculated & subjected to being shot down by US space nukes. US space nukes, you'll know, are those special kind of space nukes that are specially intended for blowing the bajeezus out of any unsuspecting earth-bound extra-dimensional devil spawn. If you didn't, now you do... I often worry about how many people buy into these ideas. I worry more for the unsuspecting earth-bound extra-dimensional devil spawn.

I'm eyeing up the second crepe now & only the fact that I'm smoking is getting in my way. Dilemma central... Drug addiction is an interesting complex to explore. John Lennon said something along the lines of; "We should stop mistreating the people who are addicted to drugs & try to figure out why they're addicted in the first place." As I write, there's a hint of doubt that I may have already written this paragraph before. Regardless, I like John & I think he has a point. Ultimately, we already know the answer. Where there's money to be exploited, exploitation be done. I smoke because I like it... It's a handy crux to fill an unidentified void & it's available. On the other hand, I really like these crepes...

Food for thought... You're a traveller on a journey of exploration. There's no aim to the journey, other than to see & experience everything you come into contact with. Many many years have passed & you have discovered many things, of the world & yourself. You've built roads & bridges, made friends & new family, seen good times & worse... You are ridden with the scars of your adventures, inside & out. Your life has become a novel worthy of the finest libraries. As your journey comes to a close, a man you recognise appears before you. He says; "I have heard your stories & know of your adventure. Why don't you go out and do it again?". Then he takes a million pound out of his pocket and sticks it on your filthy lap.

I'm Billy Nomad & welcome to my br(h)ead...


DISCLAIMER: I am as mad as I appear to be in writing, I've simply chosen a style of writing that accentuates that madness to provide entertainment for my fellows. I am not in any way dangerous but at no point should you attempt to feed me, stroke me or send me to "live on a farm". I will not have it.

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