Well, it looks like we made it another year!
Little do we speak but you are always close by in my thoughts. It it usually this time of year that I become nostalgic and otherwise thoughtful of the years gone by and the days spent in vain drinking tea and smoking lustfully. It is rarely of myself that I think of when I gaze back, rosey-eyed at the things we've done and achieved together, it is always you and the joy you have brought me.
As it's Christmas I thought I would take the chance to let you know I'm still alive and still living. The world is looking like a bigger place by the day but the window is getting smaller and the weather is getting to be a bit shit. I've long since accepted the need for employment beyond my own control although my cause is not completely lost. WTN taught me a lot and working on the film taught me a lot more. Over the next few years I'm going to be putting a lot of my plans into action with the help of anyone who's willing to help me. So far, we've had one meeting and we'll have had another by the time you've read this. It's daunting, it's improbable, it's fun. Stay tuned! Other than that, my love life is booming, I took a strange little trip to Amsterdam and I now deal only in Chicken... So, every cloud and all that...
Unfortunately, this year, I yet again failed to afford you any presents or even a card in the post. Instead, I took the time to write you this. Because I'm cheap like that... I hope you enjoyed it and I hope you have one hell of a Christmas. Here's to the future!
Merry Christmas! (cluck)
Sunday, 21 December 2014
Tuesday, 11 November 2014
Everyone Has Their Drug... (Mine Is Biscuits)
Of the many things I've ingested over the years, a few could quite easily (and justifiably) be considered "drugs". The idea of a drug intrigues me as much as our obsession with them. Here, we have an entirely natural, habitable and hospitable reality in which to dwell. Yet, for our fair race the only interest seems to be escape. Through a variety of methods we all make our way into alternatives of all degrees. Whether it be the cheeky cigarette break or the full blown food frenzy, we all have addictions and our own personalised cocktail of drugs to treat them. For some it's sex, for others it's heroin, for me...
Okay, reasonably speaking I suffer from many an addiction but I'm taking a desert island approach to this subject. I believe it to be a fantastic idea to try and focus on one addiction and hope the others will simply get bored and go away. It hasn't worked so far but I'll be sure to keep you updated! If ever I find the patience to give up smoking I would be a very happy man indeed. For starters I would have more free cash, I would be healthier and more than likely, I'd be a little more sane. Tea on the other hand is one that will stay with me until the acid boils my belly and I die a very tea soaked death. Other than that, my exploits are mostly harmless...
Over the years my experience of drugs has led me to believe that the healthier option is always the best way to approach any and all inner demons.
LSD is an interesting experience that boggles the mind. The user is stripped of all conscious critical control and is subjected to an entirely emotional perspective of the world around them. Easily comparable to an extensive and strenuous attack on a large pile of Cannabis but with a hint of something more about it.
Cannabis itself is (to a casual user) a heavy, mellowing experience; although some possess an inexplicable tolerance toward it. To the habitual, Cannabis is commonly experienced as a dull relief from a world that feels like a lot more effort than it should be.
MDMA is a drug cooked up by the devil himself. The experience can be enjoyable in small doses but overdoing it can lead to days of insomnia, unreasonable levels of forgetfulness and the mother of all jaw-aches.
Tobacco is one of the most dangerous and damaging drugs our race has ever encountered... apparently. It's true to say that the experience is mostly redundant compared to most other mainstream applications. It is in no way healthy and in no way complimentary to ones way of life and I believe the authorities may well be right in their quest to wean us off of it. Still, with the vast array of chemicals and compounds available on the black market, smokers should never be attacked so openly while users of more harmful drugs still remain unattended to (in the correct fashion).
Alcohol is the western world's poster-boy amongst all of the other drugs that are available to us, right now, out there. There is nothing more embarrassing nor harder to live down than drinking too much Whiskey and falling into a vomit-strewn bush, requesting your last, loving, dying words be sent ahead to your father. I'm yet (if ever) to experience a similar ordeal with any other drug. Due to it's usefulness as far as taxation is concerned, it remains unaffected by the "war on drugs" regardless of the number of people who have suffered from it's many negative attributes.
Speed (or "Amphetamines") is a reasonable resort if your intention is to stay awake all night and tap your foot inescapably. Then again, considering the cost and the long-term affects, you'd be better off stocking up some really classy coffee.
Biscuits bring about a sense of joy and satisfaction to every cup of tea. As far as I'm aware, biscuits have never been involved in any conflict. Other than, of course, the battle between not-dunked-enough & dunked-too-much. They don't cost an awful lot and if you're clever, most come with special offers attached. Biscuits may bring about an increase in general mass but this sacrifice seems acceptable considering the sheer amount of people dying over a few plants and a handful of clever scientists.
It's true, it is, that everybody has a drug. A manifestation of an inability to cope and perform as a stable-minded individual. Little things help some while extremes contain others. As John Lennon said; If we are to do anything at all about drugs and addiction, we need to discover what drives us to them and eliminate that need at it's source. Instead of treating the people behind the afflictions we perpetrate them and their suppliers with the full force of the law, hell begot (I'm paraphrasing, of course). Our understanding of drugs now as a species is incredible in proportion to John's time but our attitude toward the issue still stinks to high-heaven. With mental illness and drug use on the rise, perhaps in future, instead of attacking the issue with all the gusto of a pack of armed snails, we should educate and liberate each other from all the things out there that we know are not good for us.
For now... I think I'll have a custard cream.
Okay, reasonably speaking I suffer from many an addiction but I'm taking a desert island approach to this subject. I believe it to be a fantastic idea to try and focus on one addiction and hope the others will simply get bored and go away. It hasn't worked so far but I'll be sure to keep you updated! If ever I find the patience to give up smoking I would be a very happy man indeed. For starters I would have more free cash, I would be healthier and more than likely, I'd be a little more sane. Tea on the other hand is one that will stay with me until the acid boils my belly and I die a very tea soaked death. Other than that, my exploits are mostly harmless...
Over the years my experience of drugs has led me to believe that the healthier option is always the best way to approach any and all inner demons.
LSD is an interesting experience that boggles the mind. The user is stripped of all conscious critical control and is subjected to an entirely emotional perspective of the world around them. Easily comparable to an extensive and strenuous attack on a large pile of Cannabis but with a hint of something more about it.
Cannabis itself is (to a casual user) a heavy, mellowing experience; although some possess an inexplicable tolerance toward it. To the habitual, Cannabis is commonly experienced as a dull relief from a world that feels like a lot more effort than it should be.
MDMA is a drug cooked up by the devil himself. The experience can be enjoyable in small doses but overdoing it can lead to days of insomnia, unreasonable levels of forgetfulness and the mother of all jaw-aches.
Tobacco is one of the most dangerous and damaging drugs our race has ever encountered... apparently. It's true to say that the experience is mostly redundant compared to most other mainstream applications. It is in no way healthy and in no way complimentary to ones way of life and I believe the authorities may well be right in their quest to wean us off of it. Still, with the vast array of chemicals and compounds available on the black market, smokers should never be attacked so openly while users of more harmful drugs still remain unattended to (in the correct fashion).
Alcohol is the western world's poster-boy amongst all of the other drugs that are available to us, right now, out there. There is nothing more embarrassing nor harder to live down than drinking too much Whiskey and falling into a vomit-strewn bush, requesting your last, loving, dying words be sent ahead to your father. I'm yet (if ever) to experience a similar ordeal with any other drug. Due to it's usefulness as far as taxation is concerned, it remains unaffected by the "war on drugs" regardless of the number of people who have suffered from it's many negative attributes.
Speed (or "Amphetamines") is a reasonable resort if your intention is to stay awake all night and tap your foot inescapably. Then again, considering the cost and the long-term affects, you'd be better off stocking up some really classy coffee.
Biscuits bring about a sense of joy and satisfaction to every cup of tea. As far as I'm aware, biscuits have never been involved in any conflict. Other than, of course, the battle between not-dunked-enough & dunked-too-much. They don't cost an awful lot and if you're clever, most come with special offers attached. Biscuits may bring about an increase in general mass but this sacrifice seems acceptable considering the sheer amount of people dying over a few plants and a handful of clever scientists.
It's true, it is, that everybody has a drug. A manifestation of an inability to cope and perform as a stable-minded individual. Little things help some while extremes contain others. As John Lennon said; If we are to do anything at all about drugs and addiction, we need to discover what drives us to them and eliminate that need at it's source. Instead of treating the people behind the afflictions we perpetrate them and their suppliers with the full force of the law, hell begot (I'm paraphrasing, of course). Our understanding of drugs now as a species is incredible in proportion to John's time but our attitude toward the issue still stinks to high-heaven. With mental illness and drug use on the rise, perhaps in future, instead of attacking the issue with all the gusto of a pack of armed snails, we should educate and liberate each other from all the things out there that we know are not good for us.
For now... I think I'll have a custard cream.
Friday, 31 October 2014
Trick or Treat (Hallo-what!?)
it’s not that I’m against anyone having fun or celebrating
whatever pagan/religious festival that comes along, but what the hell
is Halloween all about?
When I was a youngster we didn’t dress up
in ludicrous costumes and demand (by text) to be given money or a
large bucketful of sweets with the veiled threat that if you don’t
comply you could find your car tyres let down, or worse. In homes all
over the country people are switching off their lights, turning down
the TV and pretending not to be home. The whole thing has got
completely out of hand. And what’s with the expensive costumes?
Designer death masks and Gucci hats? The shops are definitely making
a fortune, no doubt about that, but is it really necessary? Do we
have to be plagued by special offers? 2 pumpkins for the price of
one, £5 box of trick or treat sweets, which will probably disappear
after the first callers! It is all designed to part you from your
money, while being told how much you are going to enjoy it. Can’t
we have a good time without having to mortgage our souls?
souls folks, that is what Halloween is all about. All Souls Eve, that
is what we are celebrating. No one, not even the cleverest of
scholars can be absolutely certain where this festival originates.
Quite possibly it hearkens back to the ancient Roman feast of
Parentalia which was a festival in honour of the dead. It seems you’d
take a picnic down to the tomb of your ancestors and share the
holiday with them! Sounds a bit creepy, but I suspect not as creepy
as a menacing 7 year old wearing a David Cameron face mask and toting
a large brick!
The concept of death and rebirth is as old as, well death and
rebirth, and this festival is also associated with holding back the
death of summer. There are many varied interpretations of the
festival going back to Anglo Saxon times, and of course Christianity
put it’s on inevitable twist on it. However, it was left to good
Old Uncle Sam to give us ‘trick or treat’ and dressing up in a
variety of costumes that have little or nothing to do with the
original spirit of the festival.
We are
fast becoming the playthings of consumerism. It happened with Easter
and Christmas, now the minor festivals are being targeted. However
much this may sting the faceless corporations who make a fortune out
of this I think we should simplify things a little. Now my idea which
would combine i) remembering the dead, ii) being a bit of spooky fun,
iii) obtaining money and/or gifts, would be to approach the house
wearing normal clothing, pale faced (perhaps a cheap bag of flour
would help), and when the owner opens the door, whisper in clear yet
dulcet tones ‘I SEE DEAD PEOPLE’. Now if this doesn’t result in
payment I’ll eat my pumpkin!!
Let’s get the party rolling!
- Cleo Bloggs
Tuesday, 28 October 2014
That "War" Thing Over There...
"Until the colour of a man's skin is of no more significance than the colour of his eyes; Me say war."
Today, more than ever, we are aware of war. It comes in many shapes and sizes. From the petty disputes of overbearing policy & polite anarchy to the wars of religion, equality & money; we're all well and truly used to it. But, what is war? How do we as individuals better understand it and how can we better serve against it? First (as usual) we have to go back to the beginning!
As has always been the case, at it's core, war is seen as the ultimate disagreement. War occurs when two people cannot simply agree on a happy medium and conflict emerges. Originally this was an extremely brutal affair with much bludgeoning but has since developed into a highly orchestrated psychological attack. It is true to say that death and disarray still play a vital role in the success of war but only so far as to create a stressful working environment for one's opponent.
When the first kingdoms & empires sprung to fruition, land was freely available with little to no bloodshed. The tribes were a hassle to pillage, plunder and bribe but eventually the world was divvied up into his, hers & theirs. The rulers of these early nations saw profit in capturing their colleagues land and would arrange soldiers to occupy as much as possible, as soon as possible. Often, the opposing leader would retaliate by sending in their own soldiers and more often than not death on both sides would ensue. After a few hundred years, the more "in-tune" leaders formed alliances to make up numbers and protect themselves from the weaker, lesser nations. These organisations still exist and grow, although recent events have shown them for the fallacy they present.
The excuses for war are endless and somewhat tedious but the reality of what war represents has never changed. Until now.
Over time, common sense and rational thinking have led to the discovery of the meaning of life. There is no meaning, do what you want. People have been aware of this fact for some time but with the distractions of divinity and personal ascension, it has remained widely ignored. Human beings are incredible at making excuses and have done so for generations. At the turn of the 21st century, ignorance became uncool and we started speaking out. I was 11 when I was sent home from school because a group of men, thousands of miles away, had decided to fly passenger planes into heavily populated buildings. The whole world shut down in those few hours while we were introduced to our first mainstream gang of terrorists and taught the basics of the new world order. Not many questions were asked at first, people were afraid, the gang was to be dealt with. The allied forces were dispatched in vast numbers to all manner of places to do their work and 12 years later, we're no closer to achieving a sensible agreement.
There is one major difference between this latest bout of conflicts and it's predecessors; support. Propaganda plays a vital part along the way and can often lead to victory all on its own. Sending a positive message to one's populace not only rallies support in terms of fire-power but also in terms of financial backing. If the average number believes that they are contributing to a noble cause they will contribute in almost any way they can, even in the face of death. The trouble being that these days, the numbers aren't rolling in quite as fast as before. Negative press from independent sources has all but stripped this war of any reason or rhyme and any informed individual is as likely to subscribe to the war effort as they are to sign up for the other side. Several more conflicts have come to the public eye as part of the latest wave of propaganda overspill and British nationals have been migrating in droves to support rebel forces & so-called "terrorist" groups, rather than serve the organisations that house them. In a few short months, the allied forces are set to evacuate the war-zone they have exacerbated, yet it seems unlikely the dispute will resolve itself at any point in my lifetime. After-all, it's only been going on since the beginning of civilisation in the middle-east.
Understanding war is like attempting to remove a brick wall with a wooden spoon; You're more than likely to wear yourself out before you've even begun to break the surface. In fact, war itself is inherently human, entirely illogical and (I believe) highly unnatural. In nature, an animal does not kill unless it feels it must. It will hunt the living for food but never for fun or fortune. It could be that one day, Farmer Bill had a disagreement with Farmer Phil about where the boundary fence should be between their two farms. Farmer Bill wanted it there but Farmer Phil wanted it there. Bill threatened to send over his oversized sons (Will & Gill) to settle the matter by way of fatality and Phil defeatedly mumbled "Go on... Take it all!", having only his undersized daughter (Jill) to defend him. I could quite happily see the result developing from there. Land, resources & control are still the playing field but Bill & Phil are now big fat bankers with wallets as fat as your fist and little to no interest in who's sons and daughters are involved in the onslaught. It's a sad state of affairs but it is the reality we've created. On the upside, it happens to be a reality we have express powers to change.
Often I wonder how I, little old me, can impact on that "war" thing over there. How can I help the people just like me in their homes, scared for their lives and those of their family? How can I send a message to those that choose to set the target and those that choose to pull the trigger? How do I make it stop?
First, I have to remember that alone I can achieve nothing more than a ripple. However tempting it is to hide from the noise, I know that the less involvement I have, the less impact I will have. Just by talking about what is going on and creating a public attitude toward a global issue can create an immense change. From there the potential is endless. Confronting the people that orchestrate these terrible deeds is a necessity but not to slay them or torture them or enslave them. No. To relieve them of their powers and to educate them in humanity.
Come on. Give peace a chance! If not for John; Do it for me...?
middle east,
social media,
Thursday, 23 October 2014
To Me. To You.
It seems to be, that all you see, is violence in movies & sex on TV... Where are those good old fashioned values, in which we used to rely...? Lucky there's a judgmental bastard like me to put you right!
The art of conversation is a simple and effective affair, shareable by all speaking mammals. In the beginning, our vocal chords were fine-tuned for delivering the exact information we wished to convey, such as; "Help, I'm being eaten!" or "Let's go hunting over there today...". As we've developed, so has our language and the way we use it. More so than ever we share what I like to call "non-vital information", otherwise explainable as "things we don't actually need to talk about". Here is a valuable list of conversational do's that I hope will help comfort you through these spontaneous bouts of chuntering.
1. A conversation is not a competition. DO remember to be open-minded and considerate of other people's perspectives. There is no way of "winning".
2. The information you're hearing could be just as important as the information you're sharing. DO remember to listen effectively and act accordingly. Assumptions make for a bad time.
3. The speed at which you process information is much slower than the speed at which you talk. DO remember to slow down to give your partner the optimum experience. Understanding is vital.
4. A conversation is served best at room temperature, face-to-face. DO remember that text messaging and phone calls are a cheap alternative to the real thing. Body language counts for over 70% of all conversational interpretation.
5. A conversation is a two-way street. DO remember to wait your turn. There's nothing worse than trampling on someone's point, even if you do think that what you have to say is more important.
Using these 5 simple rules will not only help you to become more adept at holding a conversation but will also make you a more enjoyable person to converse with. Be aware that not every person you come into contact with will have foreknowledge of these facts and may well require a small strike to the throat. Alternatively, send them here to learn what it is that's annoying you most. Sharing is caring...
The art of conversation is a simple and effective affair, shareable by all speaking mammals. In the beginning, our vocal chords were fine-tuned for delivering the exact information we wished to convey, such as; "Help, I'm being eaten!" or "Let's go hunting over there today...". As we've developed, so has our language and the way we use it. More so than ever we share what I like to call "non-vital information", otherwise explainable as "things we don't actually need to talk about". Here is a valuable list of conversational do's that I hope will help comfort you through these spontaneous bouts of chuntering.
1. A conversation is not a competition. DO remember to be open-minded and considerate of other people's perspectives. There is no way of "winning".
2. The information you're hearing could be just as important as the information you're sharing. DO remember to listen effectively and act accordingly. Assumptions make for a bad time.
3. The speed at which you process information is much slower than the speed at which you talk. DO remember to slow down to give your partner the optimum experience. Understanding is vital.
4. A conversation is served best at room temperature, face-to-face. DO remember that text messaging and phone calls are a cheap alternative to the real thing. Body language counts for over 70% of all conversational interpretation.
5. A conversation is a two-way street. DO remember to wait your turn. There's nothing worse than trampling on someone's point, even if you do think that what you have to say is more important.
Using these 5 simple rules will not only help you to become more adept at holding a conversation but will also make you a more enjoyable person to converse with. Be aware that not every person you come into contact with will have foreknowledge of these facts and may well require a small strike to the throat. Alternatively, send them here to learn what it is that's annoying you most. Sharing is caring...
Wednesday, 22 October 2014
Once upon a time, not so long ago, in the heat of the moment, I made a statement. Some would choose to be greatly offended by the words that passed my lips, yet none so far have denied my truth;
"There are two things distinctly wrong with our entire society which have affected us to a great extent. Parenting & education."
Bold as it is to state (being neither a parent or a teacher), I believe I may be able to save myself from the imminent death, which lurks in the mind of anyone serving either profession while reading those words. Please, refrain from doing so... I merely mean to opinionate and never to offend.
Back when early humans were developing as monkeys, society was a natural & well-served affair. Participants were so unintelligent that they willingly partook in the habits of their brethren with little to no questions asked or answered. The "system", as it was in those days, depended on a few simple tasks being taken up by the entire collective in order to achieve contentment & safety amongst the body. Things such as hunting, foraging & childcare. There was never a need for much else and the people of that time both knew & respected the natural way of things. Instinctively, passing this knowledge to their children, the education & parenting systems were unknowingly formed.
As our brains & bodies developed we became not only more intelligent but more considerate. We had achieved the ability to question openly and receive answers knowingly. The systems that we had put in place as our former selves had in turn become questionable & malleable. The first nurseries were formed as tribes grew in numbers while demands on parents became more time-consuming. With more mouths to feed; more meat must be hunted, more fruit must be foraged & more wood must be found for fire. Again, we respected these natural requirements. Revering the forces of nature as divine. Teaching our fledglings the same by way of practical learning when the time came.
The late great Douglas Adams made an interesting case back in 1998 when he spoke of a similar assumption. He said; "Imagine early man. Early man is, like everything else, an evolved creature and he finds himself in a world that he's begun to take a little charge of; he's begun to be a tool-maker, a changer of his environment with the tools that he's made and he makes tools, when he does, in order to make changes in his environment. To give an example of the way man operates compared to other animals, consider speciation, which, as we know, tends to occur when a small group of animals gets separated from the rest of the herd by some geological upheaval, population pressure, food shortage or whatever and finds itself in a new environment with maybe something different going on. Take a very simple example; maybe a bunch of animals suddenly finds itself in a place where the weather is rather colder. We know that in a few generations those genes which favour a thicker coat will have come to the fore and we'll come and we'll find that the animals have now got thicker coats. Early man, who's a tool maker, doesn't have to do this: he can inhabit an extraordinarily wide range of habitats on earth, from tundra to the Gobi Desert - he even manages to live in New York for heaven's sake - and the reason is that when he arrives in a new environment he doesn't have to wait for several generations; if he arrives in a colder environment and sees an animal that has those genes which favour a thicker coat, he says “I'll have it off him”. Tools have enabled us to think intentionally, to make things and to do things to create a world that fits us better. Now imagine an early man surveying his surroundings at the end of a happy day's tool making. He looks around and he sees a world which pleases him mightily: behind him are mountains with caves in - mountains are great because you can go and hide in the caves and you are out of the rain and the bears can't get you; in front of him there's the forest - it's got nuts and berries and delicious food; there's a stream going by, which is full of water - water's delicious to drink, you can float your boats in it and do all sorts of stuff with it; here's cousin Ug and he's caught a mammoth - mammoth's are great, you can eat them, you can wear their coats, you can use their bones to create weapons to catch other mammoths. I mean this is a great world, it's fantastic. But our early man has a moment to reflect and he thinks to himself, 'well, this is an interesting world that I find myself in' and then he asks himself a very treacherous question, a question which is totally meaningless and fallacious, but only comes about because of the nature of the sort of person he is, the sort of person he has evolved into and the sort of person who has thrived because he thinks this particular way. Man the maker looks at his world and says 'So who made this then?' Who made this? - you can see why it's a treacherous question. Early man thinks, 'Well, because there's only one sort of being I know about who makes things, whoever made all this must therefore be a much bigger, much more powerful and necessarily invisible, one of me and because I tend to be the strong one who does all the stuff, he's probably male'. And so we have the idea of a god. Then, because when we make things we do it with the intention of doing something with them, early man asks himself , 'If he made it, what did he make it for?' Now the real trap springs, because early man is thinking, 'This world fits me very well. Here are all these things that support me and feed me and look after me; yes, this world fits me nicely' and he reaches the inescapable conclusion that whoever made it, made it for him."
When we as a species moved away from the idea of nature & into the realms of Gods and Goddesses, we adapted the way we taught our young significantly. The first churches and indeed schools were formed, taking education further from the control of experience. Over successive generations, wires crossed & necessary values were overlooked. More value was placed in the ever-growing sense of divinity that we ourselves had created than in our instinctive knowledge. By the time our modern, mainstream Gods had made centre stage we had established trade and with it an economy. Distracting us further from the most important of our few necessities; childcare. With the fall of the divine Goddess during the Pagan genocide, women were placed at a lower importance than man and seen as a subservient being. Religion, conquest & the economy replacing her as man's best friend.
In the modern age, we have all but overcome such travesties. In the western world, religion is falling rapidly and the economy is steadily becoming something of an irritation to the average person. With the rise of the internet we are more aware than ever of the corruption which has stalked us from our very earliest developments as a species. Politicians, religious leaders & banking executives are often perceived as the bane of our existence. With it though we are awash with conflicting ideals and moral values, sprung from the very cause of our confusions. Lack of effective education. We are well and truly bombarded with the moral dilemmas of what we see happening elsewhere in the world and have little to no knowledge of what to do to help make things right. Children die on our TV & computer screens as we watch in deliberation and dismay. We have absolutely no idea of how to liberate our fellow man without the necessary sacrifice to our own relatively comfortable way of life.
Today, the issues we face as a species haven't changed in the slightest since our humble beginnings. The three major components for our survival remain in tact, regardless of our distractions & conflicting ideals. Yet, with our early hobbies becoming modern habits we seem unable to break out of the cycle of curriculum & conformity. One's career is seen as a higher importance than another's happiness. Personal growth & development have taken the place of collectivism & mutual satisfaction. The trouble being the sheer amount of what I like to call "Said-U-Cation".
I have always made the case that one cannot possibly know what has not been experienced or learned personally. The assumption was made some time ago that by simply unearthing a truth on an individual or group of people somehow makes them wiser and as such in a higher state of education. Consider for a moment a carpenter who has yet to craft wood. The individual may well have been preached the basics of woodwork but without undertaking the psychical process involved, they can be no more assured that what they have learned is based in fact or rumour. By interacting with said wood and forging the intended article, the participant is no longer educated but experienced. This brings about an absolute truth that can no more be denied than avoided. However, our society wrongly relies on so many things that cannot be physically experienced nor enjoyed. We are taught that relieving ourselves of any and all physical hardship is the highest priority and will lead to our much sought after enlightenment. Our basic desires are placed in the background of conciousness and more often than not entirely taken for granted.
I believe that the easiest way to escape this apparent trap is remembering to teach our children the reason and rhyme behind our existence. Remembering to teach them what is necessary and what is accessory. Remembering to teach them to teach the same. Although in the great scheme of things our time here is minute and fleeting, the significance & impact we have while here is both incredible & awe-inspiring. Yes, we have a responsibility to develop and grow, but as a species and not as a rabble of individuals. Parents, teachers & in turn all of us alike hold an equal responsibility to share the truth that we all know by pure instinct alone. We all deserve to know the reasoning behind our existence and we are all accountable in delivering it. First & foremost we are here to survive. Everything else is a bonus...
P.S. I highly recommend reading the entire speech made by Douglas at Biota 2 in '98. He makes an extremely inspiring case. Check it out @ http://www.biota.org/people/douglasadams/
"There are two things distinctly wrong with our entire society which have affected us to a great extent. Parenting & education."
Bold as it is to state (being neither a parent or a teacher), I believe I may be able to save myself from the imminent death, which lurks in the mind of anyone serving either profession while reading those words. Please, refrain from doing so... I merely mean to opinionate and never to offend.
Back when early humans were developing as monkeys, society was a natural & well-served affair. Participants were so unintelligent that they willingly partook in the habits of their brethren with little to no questions asked or answered. The "system", as it was in those days, depended on a few simple tasks being taken up by the entire collective in order to achieve contentment & safety amongst the body. Things such as hunting, foraging & childcare. There was never a need for much else and the people of that time both knew & respected the natural way of things. Instinctively, passing this knowledge to their children, the education & parenting systems were unknowingly formed.
As our brains & bodies developed we became not only more intelligent but more considerate. We had achieved the ability to question openly and receive answers knowingly. The systems that we had put in place as our former selves had in turn become questionable & malleable. The first nurseries were formed as tribes grew in numbers while demands on parents became more time-consuming. With more mouths to feed; more meat must be hunted, more fruit must be foraged & more wood must be found for fire. Again, we respected these natural requirements. Revering the forces of nature as divine. Teaching our fledglings the same by way of practical learning when the time came.
The late great Douglas Adams made an interesting case back in 1998 when he spoke of a similar assumption. He said; "Imagine early man. Early man is, like everything else, an evolved creature and he finds himself in a world that he's begun to take a little charge of; he's begun to be a tool-maker, a changer of his environment with the tools that he's made and he makes tools, when he does, in order to make changes in his environment. To give an example of the way man operates compared to other animals, consider speciation, which, as we know, tends to occur when a small group of animals gets separated from the rest of the herd by some geological upheaval, population pressure, food shortage or whatever and finds itself in a new environment with maybe something different going on. Take a very simple example; maybe a bunch of animals suddenly finds itself in a place where the weather is rather colder. We know that in a few generations those genes which favour a thicker coat will have come to the fore and we'll come and we'll find that the animals have now got thicker coats. Early man, who's a tool maker, doesn't have to do this: he can inhabit an extraordinarily wide range of habitats on earth, from tundra to the Gobi Desert - he even manages to live in New York for heaven's sake - and the reason is that when he arrives in a new environment he doesn't have to wait for several generations; if he arrives in a colder environment and sees an animal that has those genes which favour a thicker coat, he says “I'll have it off him”. Tools have enabled us to think intentionally, to make things and to do things to create a world that fits us better. Now imagine an early man surveying his surroundings at the end of a happy day's tool making. He looks around and he sees a world which pleases him mightily: behind him are mountains with caves in - mountains are great because you can go and hide in the caves and you are out of the rain and the bears can't get you; in front of him there's the forest - it's got nuts and berries and delicious food; there's a stream going by, which is full of water - water's delicious to drink, you can float your boats in it and do all sorts of stuff with it; here's cousin Ug and he's caught a mammoth - mammoth's are great, you can eat them, you can wear their coats, you can use their bones to create weapons to catch other mammoths. I mean this is a great world, it's fantastic. But our early man has a moment to reflect and he thinks to himself, 'well, this is an interesting world that I find myself in' and then he asks himself a very treacherous question, a question which is totally meaningless and fallacious, but only comes about because of the nature of the sort of person he is, the sort of person he has evolved into and the sort of person who has thrived because he thinks this particular way. Man the maker looks at his world and says 'So who made this then?' Who made this? - you can see why it's a treacherous question. Early man thinks, 'Well, because there's only one sort of being I know about who makes things, whoever made all this must therefore be a much bigger, much more powerful and necessarily invisible, one of me and because I tend to be the strong one who does all the stuff, he's probably male'. And so we have the idea of a god. Then, because when we make things we do it with the intention of doing something with them, early man asks himself , 'If he made it, what did he make it for?' Now the real trap springs, because early man is thinking, 'This world fits me very well. Here are all these things that support me and feed me and look after me; yes, this world fits me nicely' and he reaches the inescapable conclusion that whoever made it, made it for him."
When we as a species moved away from the idea of nature & into the realms of Gods and Goddesses, we adapted the way we taught our young significantly. The first churches and indeed schools were formed, taking education further from the control of experience. Over successive generations, wires crossed & necessary values were overlooked. More value was placed in the ever-growing sense of divinity that we ourselves had created than in our instinctive knowledge. By the time our modern, mainstream Gods had made centre stage we had established trade and with it an economy. Distracting us further from the most important of our few necessities; childcare. With the fall of the divine Goddess during the Pagan genocide, women were placed at a lower importance than man and seen as a subservient being. Religion, conquest & the economy replacing her as man's best friend.
In the modern age, we have all but overcome such travesties. In the western world, religion is falling rapidly and the economy is steadily becoming something of an irritation to the average person. With the rise of the internet we are more aware than ever of the corruption which has stalked us from our very earliest developments as a species. Politicians, religious leaders & banking executives are often perceived as the bane of our existence. With it though we are awash with conflicting ideals and moral values, sprung from the very cause of our confusions. Lack of effective education. We are well and truly bombarded with the moral dilemmas of what we see happening elsewhere in the world and have little to no knowledge of what to do to help make things right. Children die on our TV & computer screens as we watch in deliberation and dismay. We have absolutely no idea of how to liberate our fellow man without the necessary sacrifice to our own relatively comfortable way of life.
Today, the issues we face as a species haven't changed in the slightest since our humble beginnings. The three major components for our survival remain in tact, regardless of our distractions & conflicting ideals. Yet, with our early hobbies becoming modern habits we seem unable to break out of the cycle of curriculum & conformity. One's career is seen as a higher importance than another's happiness. Personal growth & development have taken the place of collectivism & mutual satisfaction. The trouble being the sheer amount of what I like to call "Said-U-Cation".
I have always made the case that one cannot possibly know what has not been experienced or learned personally. The assumption was made some time ago that by simply unearthing a truth on an individual or group of people somehow makes them wiser and as such in a higher state of education. Consider for a moment a carpenter who has yet to craft wood. The individual may well have been preached the basics of woodwork but without undertaking the psychical process involved, they can be no more assured that what they have learned is based in fact or rumour. By interacting with said wood and forging the intended article, the participant is no longer educated but experienced. This brings about an absolute truth that can no more be denied than avoided. However, our society wrongly relies on so many things that cannot be physically experienced nor enjoyed. We are taught that relieving ourselves of any and all physical hardship is the highest priority and will lead to our much sought after enlightenment. Our basic desires are placed in the background of conciousness and more often than not entirely taken for granted.
I believe that the easiest way to escape this apparent trap is remembering to teach our children the reason and rhyme behind our existence. Remembering to teach them what is necessary and what is accessory. Remembering to teach them to teach the same. Although in the great scheme of things our time here is minute and fleeting, the significance & impact we have while here is both incredible & awe-inspiring. Yes, we have a responsibility to develop and grow, but as a species and not as a rabble of individuals. Parents, teachers & in turn all of us alike hold an equal responsibility to share the truth that we all know by pure instinct alone. We all deserve to know the reasoning behind our existence and we are all accountable in delivering it. First & foremost we are here to survive. Everything else is a bonus...
P.S. I highly recommend reading the entire speech made by Douglas at Biota 2 in '98. He makes an extremely inspiring case. Check it out @ http://www.biota.org/people/douglasadams/
Wednesday, 15 October 2014
They say that Amsterdam is the sex, drugs (but not Rock 'N' Roll) capital of the world. Whoever "They" are... It is said to be one of the most dangerous places in the world. Apparently...
For years family, friends & other such familiarities boasted of their adventures to the heart of the Netherlands. With its lanky structures and thriving culture. Miles of canals & smiles as far as the eye can see. To me it appeared a veritable dream. A wonderland. I've always been partial to eye candy, especially when it comes in the form of nature, architecture & ultimately, fun.
Long gone is our ability to appreciate what we see with our eyes and experience with the power of our feet. Even grown adults in the UK appear lost for things to do past toying with technology & ingesting some form of drug or another. Despite a high level of culture still evident in the larger cities & districts, smaller towns and cities have taken to dying out sometime around 7pm for dinner and waking early the next day for another round of work. Life is still apparent but a huge chunk of our culture has fallen into neglect since the plummet of the popular music industry in the 1990's. Being born at the cusp of that turn, Amsterdam struck as the ideal destination to help me regain some faith in the world.
As I stepped onto the tarmac at Zeeburg tram station, it occurred to me that for the next 3 days I would be very much at home. As far as the landscape told, we could have been back in Buckinghamshire. Rolling green fields as far as the morning fog would allow, permeated with several small, unobtrusive settlements. The only tell-tale sign that we were anywhere but home was the long foretold windmills dotted here and there, standing proudly & effortlessly on the canvas before me.
After the 14 hour trip, hopping between the busses, boats & trains, stresses were high. Causing petty disputes to break out. The result was a slightly dulled tram journey into the centre of Amsterdam in which I was consumed by the various notices & advertisements plastered about the carriage. The Dutch language is an incredible feat. Germanic by birth & poetic by nature, I could spend hours & more attempting to work out every nuance of their alien tongue.
After what felt like moments, the first signs of densely packed civilisation made their way into centre stage. Long gone was grass & unabolished nature. Enter cobbles & chorus...
The sheer sound of Amsterdam is astonishing. Not a moments silence occurs, even in the darkest corner of the deepest of night. Making our way from the tram, the music of footsteps, engines & distant speakers possessed the atmosphere. Laughter, joy & chatter scattered throughout the inescapable sound-scape made for the perfect touch.
Priorities in place, feet made for way for tea & bodies followed. Eyes distracted by the plethora of sights to see. We made haste along the bustling concourse of shops, museums, bars & hostels known as Damrak. Surrounded by enormous, brilliantly crafted spectacles of human creation. Their homes & habitats presented as pieces of art. Reaching high into the Dutch sky. After a brief stint of awe, warm water was found and tea bags issued, ready for the days planning.
I fished my scrappiest of papers from my most affordable of bags and fished deeper for a working pen. Upon this paper I made my agenda for the week both clear & concise;
1. Sex Museum
2. Anne Frank
3. Boat Tour
4. Have Spliff
Prior to my journey, one place in particular had been emphasized above all else, even by my own Grandparents. The Sex Museum. Curiosity had gotten the better of me and on the very last day we did indeed adventure gormlessly past the erect doormen & beyond. I highly recommend it.
But of course Anne's 'Ouse had to be on the list. The very place that Anne Frank hid away from the Nazi forces with nothing but a diary to entertain her. The tour is gloomy & perfectly orchestrated to deliver the mood one would expect from visiting such a desperate place. Steep, narrow staircases & hidden doorways were the only defence from each successive room. Each with it's own history. Each with it's one tale; delivered by the spirit of Anne Frank & her trusted journal.
When someone says "canal", I say "Grand Union"! Of course, Amsterdam's canals are nothing of the sort. Equal to Venice itself, Amsterdam has more waterways & lochs than your average town or city. Yet, it's equally impressive how easily one can take it upon themselves to hire a 4-person pedalo & embark on the Amsterdam canal system as if on some noble sea voyage. Slowly but surely, we survived our gruesome trek on closed waters. Despite having been set upon by an angry, saxophonic tour boat & a low hanging tree.
Fourth on the list was perhaps the most daunting of all our ventures. I have experienced Cannabis in England many times but never had I the opportunity to do so in peace. Strange as it seems, the experience is altogether different. Gone is the over-hanging sense of impending punishment & perhaps more-so, guilt. The common misconception lies that Cannabis is legal in Amsterdam. That is not the case... Cannabis (amongst other drugs) have been decriminalised and therefore can be distributed & consumed on licensed premises. If you were to be found smoking or otherwise ingesting Cannabis in the street, you would risk facing charges for not only use-of but also possession-of. Licensing laws are becoming stricter in Amsterdam & elsewhere in Holland such as Rotterdam, but a few loyal "Coffee Shops" remain. My favourite of the pick was The Doors Cafe. Once owned by Jim Morrison himself and perhaps still by his estate, it just so happened to be on the corner of the block that we were staying on and played the perfect setting for morning & evening cups of tea.
The morning of the final day came upon us like a storm. Moods were low as bags were packed, ready to depart our spectacular Dutch grotto. It's 3-storey bodice boasted a beautiful creation. My favourite part of which was the low, dark loft conversion that very quickly became my home for the duration. The bed(s) was awful but there's something distinctively seductive in saying "Close the hatch...". We were blessed to find a fully-fledged entertainment system & book collection waiting for us on our arrival but with the whole world waiting outside, we had other plans...
Saucijzenbroodje were had by all (apart from the vegetarian) and off we headed, for our very last exploration of Amsterdam and it's many wonders. Namely China Town, the infamous "Red Light District", Dam Square & beyond.
A glorious adventure & a highly recommended holiday for anyone looking for real-world beauty. Go to Amsterdam. Lively up yourself!
For years family, friends & other such familiarities boasted of their adventures to the heart of the Netherlands. With its lanky structures and thriving culture. Miles of canals & smiles as far as the eye can see. To me it appeared a veritable dream. A wonderland. I've always been partial to eye candy, especially when it comes in the form of nature, architecture & ultimately, fun.
Long gone is our ability to appreciate what we see with our eyes and experience with the power of our feet. Even grown adults in the UK appear lost for things to do past toying with technology & ingesting some form of drug or another. Despite a high level of culture still evident in the larger cities & districts, smaller towns and cities have taken to dying out sometime around 7pm for dinner and waking early the next day for another round of work. Life is still apparent but a huge chunk of our culture has fallen into neglect since the plummet of the popular music industry in the 1990's. Being born at the cusp of that turn, Amsterdam struck as the ideal destination to help me regain some faith in the world.
As I stepped onto the tarmac at Zeeburg tram station, it occurred to me that for the next 3 days I would be very much at home. As far as the landscape told, we could have been back in Buckinghamshire. Rolling green fields as far as the morning fog would allow, permeated with several small, unobtrusive settlements. The only tell-tale sign that we were anywhere but home was the long foretold windmills dotted here and there, standing proudly & effortlessly on the canvas before me.
After the 14 hour trip, hopping between the busses, boats & trains, stresses were high. Causing petty disputes to break out. The result was a slightly dulled tram journey into the centre of Amsterdam in which I was consumed by the various notices & advertisements plastered about the carriage. The Dutch language is an incredible feat. Germanic by birth & poetic by nature, I could spend hours & more attempting to work out every nuance of their alien tongue.
After what felt like moments, the first signs of densely packed civilisation made their way into centre stage. Long gone was grass & unabolished nature. Enter cobbles & chorus...
The sheer sound of Amsterdam is astonishing. Not a moments silence occurs, even in the darkest corner of the deepest of night. Making our way from the tram, the music of footsteps, engines & distant speakers possessed the atmosphere. Laughter, joy & chatter scattered throughout the inescapable sound-scape made for the perfect touch.
Priorities in place, feet made for way for tea & bodies followed. Eyes distracted by the plethora of sights to see. We made haste along the bustling concourse of shops, museums, bars & hostels known as Damrak. Surrounded by enormous, brilliantly crafted spectacles of human creation. Their homes & habitats presented as pieces of art. Reaching high into the Dutch sky. After a brief stint of awe, warm water was found and tea bags issued, ready for the days planning.
I fished my scrappiest of papers from my most affordable of bags and fished deeper for a working pen. Upon this paper I made my agenda for the week both clear & concise;
1. Sex Museum
2. Anne Frank
3. Boat Tour
4. Have Spliff
Prior to my journey, one place in particular had been emphasized above all else, even by my own Grandparents. The Sex Museum. Curiosity had gotten the better of me and on the very last day we did indeed adventure gormlessly past the erect doormen & beyond. I highly recommend it.
But of course Anne's 'Ouse had to be on the list. The very place that Anne Frank hid away from the Nazi forces with nothing but a diary to entertain her. The tour is gloomy & perfectly orchestrated to deliver the mood one would expect from visiting such a desperate place. Steep, narrow staircases & hidden doorways were the only defence from each successive room. Each with it's own history. Each with it's one tale; delivered by the spirit of Anne Frank & her trusted journal.
When someone says "canal", I say "Grand Union"! Of course, Amsterdam's canals are nothing of the sort. Equal to Venice itself, Amsterdam has more waterways & lochs than your average town or city. Yet, it's equally impressive how easily one can take it upon themselves to hire a 4-person pedalo & embark on the Amsterdam canal system as if on some noble sea voyage. Slowly but surely, we survived our gruesome trek on closed waters. Despite having been set upon by an angry, saxophonic tour boat & a low hanging tree.
Fourth on the list was perhaps the most daunting of all our ventures. I have experienced Cannabis in England many times but never had I the opportunity to do so in peace. Strange as it seems, the experience is altogether different. Gone is the over-hanging sense of impending punishment & perhaps more-so, guilt. The common misconception lies that Cannabis is legal in Amsterdam. That is not the case... Cannabis (amongst other drugs) have been decriminalised and therefore can be distributed & consumed on licensed premises. If you were to be found smoking or otherwise ingesting Cannabis in the street, you would risk facing charges for not only use-of but also possession-of. Licensing laws are becoming stricter in Amsterdam & elsewhere in Holland such as Rotterdam, but a few loyal "Coffee Shops" remain. My favourite of the pick was The Doors Cafe. Once owned by Jim Morrison himself and perhaps still by his estate, it just so happened to be on the corner of the block that we were staying on and played the perfect setting for morning & evening cups of tea.
The morning of the final day came upon us like a storm. Moods were low as bags were packed, ready to depart our spectacular Dutch grotto. It's 3-storey bodice boasted a beautiful creation. My favourite part of which was the low, dark loft conversion that very quickly became my home for the duration. The bed(s) was awful but there's something distinctively seductive in saying "Close the hatch...". We were blessed to find a fully-fledged entertainment system & book collection waiting for us on our arrival but with the whole world waiting outside, we had other plans...
Saucijzenbroodje were had by all (apart from the vegetarian) and off we headed, for our very last exploration of Amsterdam and it's many wonders. Namely China Town, the infamous "Red Light District", Dam Square & beyond.
A glorious adventure & a highly recommended holiday for anyone looking for real-world beauty. Go to Amsterdam. Lively up yourself!
Monday, 13 October 2014
Billy No-Mates (& The Bullshitters)
I started writing music 10 years ago and have loved it ever since. There is nothing more satisfying for me than putting together a song or performing it to an audience. It's always felt a lot like home; Certain, unconditional, safe. Composing my emotions and imaginations into 3 minutes of intense sound is the only suitable way to cope within the rapidly greying world around me.
When I was 15 I joined my first band and the habit continued irrevocably. When I became a man I started to form my own band with all of the incredibly talented musicians I had met along the way. Recording music and performing live as much as possible.
In total to date I count 16 members of Billy No-Mates & The Bullshitters, although for the time being we have stripped our live entourage down to myself, Callum Mangold-Jackson on Bass & Josh Green on Drums. Gigging has become more common and plans have been put in place to record not one but two releases over the next year or so. The sheer thought of being back in the studio excites me. Not only for the chance to record some of the songs I've already written for you but for the prospect of writing more along the way.
Due to certain implications within the music industry, we have decided to use "Billy No-Mates" as our public face and keep all that Bullshitter bother for the record sleeves and pirate radio stations.
Our first single "Run Rabbit" will be with you shortly. Just as soon as we get our fingers out...
When I was 15 I joined my first band and the habit continued irrevocably. When I became a man I started to form my own band with all of the incredibly talented musicians I had met along the way. Recording music and performing live as much as possible.
In total to date I count 16 members of Billy No-Mates & The Bullshitters, although for the time being we have stripped our live entourage down to myself, Callum Mangold-Jackson on Bass & Josh Green on Drums. Gigging has become more common and plans have been put in place to record not one but two releases over the next year or so. The sheer thought of being back in the studio excites me. Not only for the chance to record some of the songs I've already written for you but for the prospect of writing more along the way.
Due to certain implications within the music industry, we have decided to use "Billy No-Mates" as our public face and keep all that Bullshitter bother for the record sleeves and pirate radio stations.
Our first single "Run Rabbit" will be with you shortly. Just as soon as we get our fingers out...
Space! The "Finally" Frontier...
It seems so easy to peer up at the nights sky and wonder "What's all that about...?". Harder still is the journey we have taken to actually discovering the answer. A journey that we are all still very much a part of, today more than ever.
In the year 2020, the human race will be reaching out to colonise another planet. Namely, Mars. For the first time in modern history, our species will be branching out into space to become an all new breed of human. The Martian. Every single life born on Mars will be in a different state of evolutionary balance with nature and in turn, small, almost insignificant changes will occur over a series of generations. Causing a split in the path of our two species evolution.
To start with, the lack of pollution and small organic life will have a huge effect over time on the immune system and life expectancy of your average Martian. Whether for the better or worse we are yet to see. Other than that, diet & exercise will have dramatic effects on their metabolisms & muscle structures so keeping healthy will be a major priority to fending off the negative effects of evolution and preventing the rise of a lesser human sub-species. After all, this mission is set in place to progress the human race, not the alternative.
Ultimately, the steps we have taken today will have an incredible effect on our entire future in this, our universe. Who knows, in a few thousand years time we may be so different to our Martian cousins that we forget we were ever related. That way we'll have the Aliens we always dreamed of...
There's still time to apply for the Mars colony. Follow your dreams. Reach for the stars!
In the year 2020, the human race will be reaching out to colonise another planet. Namely, Mars. For the first time in modern history, our species will be branching out into space to become an all new breed of human. The Martian. Every single life born on Mars will be in a different state of evolutionary balance with nature and in turn, small, almost insignificant changes will occur over a series of generations. Causing a split in the path of our two species evolution.
To start with, the lack of pollution and small organic life will have a huge effect over time on the immune system and life expectancy of your average Martian. Whether for the better or worse we are yet to see. Other than that, diet & exercise will have dramatic effects on their metabolisms & muscle structures so keeping healthy will be a major priority to fending off the negative effects of evolution and preventing the rise of a lesser human sub-species. After all, this mission is set in place to progress the human race, not the alternative.
Ultimately, the steps we have taken today will have an incredible effect on our entire future in this, our universe. Who knows, in a few thousand years time we may be so different to our Martian cousins that we forget we were ever related. That way we'll have the Aliens we always dreamed of...
There's still time to apply for the Mars colony. Follow your dreams. Reach for the stars!
Love & Marriage
Best served warm, Love really does seem to be all you need when you're without it and meaningless when you're in it. Much theorised and rarely fully understood, Love is an enigma. A blessing & a curse. What is it? What does it mean? What am I supposed to do about it? The right questions are as widely hunted as the answers themselves. I myself have written possibly hundreds of songs and poems about love, coming no closer to the truth. Whatever truth that may be...
It all started with Disney. Growing up there were countless Disney animations depicting a "happy ever after" as the conclusion to all of life's problems. Finding a princess to throw onto the back of a noble stead only to ride off into the sunset and never be heard of again. I often wonder what happens after that fateful scene...
Disney are not the only guilty party. Hollywood also cottoned onto this formulaic crowd pleaser and history has repeated itself ever since. Not to say the issue started with film. Reading books from the past you can still see the ever-present love interest and the dwelling sense of a happy ending. Its place in our universe is assured for many generations to come.
Today, there are two very distinct ways of dealing with love. The first is simple and just relies on as much denial and self-loathing as humanly possible. The second is to go with the flow and hope that if you invest enough "love" into someone, your happy ever after will come... Eventually...
But what is this thing that we all drive ourselves mad about? What is it that keeps us awake at night? Drives us to drugs & worse...?
As I see it, Love is the definition of a complex emotional state experienced by most if not all human beings. The word is commonly used to express a deep sense of adoration & affection toward a family member, close friend, sexual partner or in some cases even inanimate objects. To a portion of our population it has been revered as in some way mystical or supernatural. Unfortunately, however fun it is to imagine love as some form of magic, it's still nothing more than a state of complex emotions that we experience internally and express outwardly through our words and actions.
The act itself is simple, easy and fulfilling in every way. Love has an incredible talent of making all else unimportant while putting the fear of God into any rationally minded person. As soon as it becomes a possession it's easy to obsess & over-value until small cracks & resentments form over time and the entire practise is taken for granted. Even in the strongest of relationships. When this process takes place the love does not abate, only the relationship itself breaks down. The love adapts in various ways to include many other complex emotions. Some good & beneficial to personal growth. Others harmful & detrimental to self-confidence and emotional development.
In the past it has become commonplace for a sexual relationship where love is shared to develop into a marriage. The origin of marriage is said to be a "lover's claim". When a man took fancy to a woman, he would place a ring on her finger to signify that he and he alone was allowed to perform sexual acts with her. The woman in this situation rarely had a choice in the matter and would usually risk death in refusing to go along with the charade. Since then, marriage has developed into a mutual agreement between two people to stay emotionally, sexually and more recently, financially faithful to each other. In the past this was seen as an eternal agreement but due to the ever-growing implications & "privileges" that society puts on people in love, many ignore this clause and have made preparations for the inevitable breakdown before the marriage has even begun.
I find it awesomely disturbing that something so simple & natural can cause so much distress and confusion in a race that prides itself on intelligence & logic. I have played victim to love in the same way that we all do; by letting it get the better of us. It's better to remember that it's as much a part of us as we are of it. Enjoy it while it lasts...
Love. Best Served Warm.
It all started with Disney. Growing up there were countless Disney animations depicting a "happy ever after" as the conclusion to all of life's problems. Finding a princess to throw onto the back of a noble stead only to ride off into the sunset and never be heard of again. I often wonder what happens after that fateful scene...
Disney are not the only guilty party. Hollywood also cottoned onto this formulaic crowd pleaser and history has repeated itself ever since. Not to say the issue started with film. Reading books from the past you can still see the ever-present love interest and the dwelling sense of a happy ending. Its place in our universe is assured for many generations to come.
Today, there are two very distinct ways of dealing with love. The first is simple and just relies on as much denial and self-loathing as humanly possible. The second is to go with the flow and hope that if you invest enough "love" into someone, your happy ever after will come... Eventually...
But what is this thing that we all drive ourselves mad about? What is it that keeps us awake at night? Drives us to drugs & worse...?
As I see it, Love is the definition of a complex emotional state experienced by most if not all human beings. The word is commonly used to express a deep sense of adoration & affection toward a family member, close friend, sexual partner or in some cases even inanimate objects. To a portion of our population it has been revered as in some way mystical or supernatural. Unfortunately, however fun it is to imagine love as some form of magic, it's still nothing more than a state of complex emotions that we experience internally and express outwardly through our words and actions.
The act itself is simple, easy and fulfilling in every way. Love has an incredible talent of making all else unimportant while putting the fear of God into any rationally minded person. As soon as it becomes a possession it's easy to obsess & over-value until small cracks & resentments form over time and the entire practise is taken for granted. Even in the strongest of relationships. When this process takes place the love does not abate, only the relationship itself breaks down. The love adapts in various ways to include many other complex emotions. Some good & beneficial to personal growth. Others harmful & detrimental to self-confidence and emotional development.
In the past it has become commonplace for a sexual relationship where love is shared to develop into a marriage. The origin of marriage is said to be a "lover's claim". When a man took fancy to a woman, he would place a ring on her finger to signify that he and he alone was allowed to perform sexual acts with her. The woman in this situation rarely had a choice in the matter and would usually risk death in refusing to go along with the charade. Since then, marriage has developed into a mutual agreement between two people to stay emotionally, sexually and more recently, financially faithful to each other. In the past this was seen as an eternal agreement but due to the ever-growing implications & "privileges" that society puts on people in love, many ignore this clause and have made preparations for the inevitable breakdown before the marriage has even begun.
I find it awesomely disturbing that something so simple & natural can cause so much distress and confusion in a race that prides itself on intelligence & logic. I have played victim to love in the same way that we all do; by letting it get the better of us. It's better to remember that it's as much a part of us as we are of it. Enjoy it while it lasts...
Love. Best Served Warm.
Sunday, 12 October 2014
I Am God.
For as long as I can remember, religion has been a part of my everyday life. I've never been truly devout in anything other than art & drugs but I've dabbled here and there, picking up pieces of the puzzle as I ramble along.
As far as I can tell, all "mainstream" religions follow the same basic rules in order to achieve the same basic outcome; To lead a good and honest life in order to reach enlightenment & transcendence. The rules waver somewhat in between but we can easily point the blame at certain cultural influences at the time of their publication over several hundred (possibly thousand) editions & amendments.
Jim Jefferies put it best when he said that the Bible should be one page long and only read "Don't be a cunt". Quintessentially, all of these publications are portraying exactly that message in a round about way if you really really scratch the surface (really). Ultimately, a religious article is a guide book for the believer to follow in order to lead a good life and please their particular God. Unfortunately, many fell fowl to corruption during the monetary establishment and subsequent capitalisation of religion. It's come to the point where most sane, open-minded people would rather choose not to follow any religion at all, let alone in an orthodox fashion.
So here's the truth. The real truth. To put your mind at ease...
I am God.
But so are you...
Listen! In all my inquisitions I have noted that all religions and belief systems point to God (or earlier on "Gods & Goddesses") being the forces of nature. More-so, the power of the universe. I have a theory that our God is not a hypocritical, contradictory deity with a split personality. No... I believe that God is in everything. God is in the winds and the waters, the planets and the stars, the light and the dark. God is in every particle and every atom. God is inside of us, outside of us and most importantly, part of us. Every single one of us!
However, it does come with a catch... You can't use God as an excuse any more! You shouldn't beat yourself up about it.
As far as I can tell, all "mainstream" religions follow the same basic rules in order to achieve the same basic outcome; To lead a good and honest life in order to reach enlightenment & transcendence. The rules waver somewhat in between but we can easily point the blame at certain cultural influences at the time of their publication over several hundred (possibly thousand) editions & amendments.
Jim Jefferies put it best when he said that the Bible should be one page long and only read "Don't be a cunt". Quintessentially, all of these publications are portraying exactly that message in a round about way if you really really scratch the surface (really). Ultimately, a religious article is a guide book for the believer to follow in order to lead a good life and please their particular God. Unfortunately, many fell fowl to corruption during the monetary establishment and subsequent capitalisation of religion. It's come to the point where most sane, open-minded people would rather choose not to follow any religion at all, let alone in an orthodox fashion.
So here's the truth. The real truth. To put your mind at ease...
I am God.
But so are you...
Listen! In all my inquisitions I have noted that all religions and belief systems point to God (or earlier on "Gods & Goddesses") being the forces of nature. More-so, the power of the universe. I have a theory that our God is not a hypocritical, contradictory deity with a split personality. No... I believe that God is in everything. God is in the winds and the waters, the planets and the stars, the light and the dark. God is in every particle and every atom. God is inside of us, outside of us and most importantly, part of us. Every single one of us!
However, it does come with a catch... You can't use God as an excuse any more! You shouldn't beat yourself up about it.
Anti-Social Media
How fitting that my first venture into "Blogging" should be in order to complain about the state of the world as I see it. More precisely, the digital world. The internet.
I often jokingly blame my day to day indiscretions on my Irish heritage, but there is no doubt being born and raised in Britain has had a significant effect on my behaviour. Most importantly my ability to queue & complain, as well as drinking gallons of tea and finding even the darkest of situations funny. Here in Britain and in particular England, we are fantastic at complaining until we're blue in the face while doing precisely fuck all constructive about any bad situation. I've honed that skill to a tee...
Take for instance the riots not so long ago in London and beyond (even here in Milton Keynes). Through the haze of national media crossfire and social media hype my grasp of the story is thus; A particularly nasty police officer shot and killed a man in cold blood & was subsequently unsuitably punished. This turn of events caused one or more areas to fall into anarchy and begin to riot, inspiring much of the country to do the same. Understandable, to a degree...
I for one have seen many sides to the British police force. On occasion in the past they have been a much welcomed help, as well as an unbearable nuisance. I find it best to consider them as a gang, much like you would find in a ghetto or estate. They sit in the pocket of the organisations in charge of our everyday administration & survival with an aim to keep the peace. All in the name of the greater good. It was no great shock to me when they amended their mission statement to read "To reduce the fear of crime" instead of our well kept and much loved "To Protect & Serve". Granted, I have noticed a decrease in the fear of crime, or rather, an acceptance of crime. However, I've also noted a massive increase in fear of the police and said organisations that administrate their actions, as well as our own.
It pays to remember that these people are put into power by us and that that privilege may not be around forever. As we've seen over the past century in particular, party politics does not work and will not work in the future, regardless of how it's tweaked and prodded about. I've been saying for a while that the true leader of our country will be the man or woman who is nominated by us the people and takes the initiative to approach our queen and ask permission to abolish party politics forever and form a fairer form of government, to set the way for global politics and into a new age of human evolution.
Bold as that statement sounds, I speak some semblance of truth. Due to the insatiable fashion of our bureaucratic baby-sitters, our very development as a species has been compromised through conventionalism and conformity. Today more than ever it is nearby impossible to be genuinely different and to have our inspirations see the light of day. Since the age of Thatcher, there have been so many rules & prohibitions put in place that the entire nation juggles between walking on eggshells and being scolded like children. Respect is a misnomer in this day and age, with importance and success at the forefront of social standing. Soul & culture have become a hobbyists dream. We are no longer developing into a species that we're happy to be a part of. In many ways, we're getting further from it.
Little surprise is it that our entire race has instead chosen to confine themselves inside, away from the madness, hypnotised by a false reality. The world-wide-web. First commercialised during my childhood, the internet promised fun and frivolity until it eventually became it's own sub-society around my teenage years with sites like Bebo, MySpace & more recently FaceBook. At first, such things were harmless and still being used to achieve positive things such as laughter and other such arousal. Nowadays the same playgrounds are occupied by children who wish to inflict their negativity, depression & loneliness on each other. All of which are caused by a lack of mental productivity (A.K.A leaving the house and doing something proactive).
Never take for granted the world you're presented with. Regardless of how badly the management are chuntering along, this planet is yours & mine as much as it is theirs. Hiding away and complaining about these issues on a social media site may well help to scratch the surface but the real potential you have before you to inflict actual change is incredible. If as many people on FaceBook cared as passionately about things as they appeared and were willing to go out into the world to physically effect the change they desired, all the worlds problems would be solved by next week. That's not to say that these people don't care. They just don't care enough.
The internet & indeed social media are valuable inventions to a degree but for now they are not the reality we live within. There is only so much impact man-made data can have on the physical world and unless we heed that revelation promptly we may well drive ourselves stupid and eventually, useless...
The funny thing about a home is; it's bigger on the outside. Go have a look!
I often jokingly blame my day to day indiscretions on my Irish heritage, but there is no doubt being born and raised in Britain has had a significant effect on my behaviour. Most importantly my ability to queue & complain, as well as drinking gallons of tea and finding even the darkest of situations funny. Here in Britain and in particular England, we are fantastic at complaining until we're blue in the face while doing precisely fuck all constructive about any bad situation. I've honed that skill to a tee...
Take for instance the riots not so long ago in London and beyond (even here in Milton Keynes). Through the haze of national media crossfire and social media hype my grasp of the story is thus; A particularly nasty police officer shot and killed a man in cold blood & was subsequently unsuitably punished. This turn of events caused one or more areas to fall into anarchy and begin to riot, inspiring much of the country to do the same. Understandable, to a degree...
I for one have seen many sides to the British police force. On occasion in the past they have been a much welcomed help, as well as an unbearable nuisance. I find it best to consider them as a gang, much like you would find in a ghetto or estate. They sit in the pocket of the organisations in charge of our everyday administration & survival with an aim to keep the peace. All in the name of the greater good. It was no great shock to me when they amended their mission statement to read "To reduce the fear of crime" instead of our well kept and much loved "To Protect & Serve". Granted, I have noticed a decrease in the fear of crime, or rather, an acceptance of crime. However, I've also noted a massive increase in fear of the police and said organisations that administrate their actions, as well as our own.
It pays to remember that these people are put into power by us and that that privilege may not be around forever. As we've seen over the past century in particular, party politics does not work and will not work in the future, regardless of how it's tweaked and prodded about. I've been saying for a while that the true leader of our country will be the man or woman who is nominated by us the people and takes the initiative to approach our queen and ask permission to abolish party politics forever and form a fairer form of government, to set the way for global politics and into a new age of human evolution.
Bold as that statement sounds, I speak some semblance of truth. Due to the insatiable fashion of our bureaucratic baby-sitters, our very development as a species has been compromised through conventionalism and conformity. Today more than ever it is nearby impossible to be genuinely different and to have our inspirations see the light of day. Since the age of Thatcher, there have been so many rules & prohibitions put in place that the entire nation juggles between walking on eggshells and being scolded like children. Respect is a misnomer in this day and age, with importance and success at the forefront of social standing. Soul & culture have become a hobbyists dream. We are no longer developing into a species that we're happy to be a part of. In many ways, we're getting further from it.
Little surprise is it that our entire race has instead chosen to confine themselves inside, away from the madness, hypnotised by a false reality. The world-wide-web. First commercialised during my childhood, the internet promised fun and frivolity until it eventually became it's own sub-society around my teenage years with sites like Bebo, MySpace & more recently FaceBook. At first, such things were harmless and still being used to achieve positive things such as laughter and other such arousal. Nowadays the same playgrounds are occupied by children who wish to inflict their negativity, depression & loneliness on each other. All of which are caused by a lack of mental productivity (A.K.A leaving the house and doing something proactive).
Never take for granted the world you're presented with. Regardless of how badly the management are chuntering along, this planet is yours & mine as much as it is theirs. Hiding away and complaining about these issues on a social media site may well help to scratch the surface but the real potential you have before you to inflict actual change is incredible. If as many people on FaceBook cared as passionately about things as they appeared and were willing to go out into the world to physically effect the change they desired, all the worlds problems would be solved by next week. That's not to say that these people don't care. They just don't care enough.
The internet & indeed social media are valuable inventions to a degree but for now they are not the reality we live within. There is only so much impact man-made data can have on the physical world and unless we heed that revelation promptly we may well drive ourselves stupid and eventually, useless...
The funny thing about a home is; it's bigger on the outside. Go have a look!
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